Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Forests of Nepal

The Forests of Nepal
As we know Nepal was very rich in forest resources some deceads ago. The 'Charkoshe Jhadi' was preety dense from the east to the west of Nepal. People cleared the jungle for cultivation and settlement. Many sumugglers looted and sold out our expensive forest products taking advantage of the political turmoils that occurred from time to time.

However, things have chfanged now. The Ministry of forest has done a lot in terms of the preservation of forests. Timber comes from trees. We use it for building houses, bridges, furniture etc. It is a major source of our national income. Wild animals and birds live in the forest. Trees can help stop flooding in the plains and land sliding in the plains and land sliding in the hills. Domestic animals feed on the grass and leaves of the jungle.

Deforestation causes pollution in the environment. If we plant many more trees and preserve them, we can solve this global problem without much difficulty. The oxygen we inhale is the oxygen exheld by trees. A man needs at least three trees to get enough oxygen. Our green forests attract tourists also.

The government should make every attempt to save and preserve the forest resources of our country. The existing community forests and private sector forests are hopefully growing well. Public awarness playas a vital role in this regard. We can thus materialize once again the old saying that green forest is the feature of Nepal.

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